Board Policies and System Procedures
Table of Contents
Search Policies and Procedures
Chapter 1 - System Organization and Administration
1A - System & Office Operations
1A.1 - Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Organization and Administration
- System Procedure 1A.1.1 - Renumbered, see 1A.2.2
- System Procedure 1A.1.2 - Pilot Programs
1A.2 - Board of Trustees
- System Procedure 1A.2.1 - Repealed
- System Procedure 1A.2.2 - Delegation of Authority
1A.3 - System Administration, Chancellor
1A.4 - System Administration Appointment of Administrators
1A.5 - 1A.9 Repealed
1A.10 - Long-Term Emergency Management
- System Procedure 1A.10.1 - Long-Term Emergency Management
1A.11 - College and University Names and Permanent Locations
1B - Equal Education and Employment Opportunity
- System Procedure 1B.0.1 - Reasonable Accommodations in Employment
1B.1 - Equal Opportunity and Nondiscrimination in Employment and Education
- System Procedure 1B.1.1 - Investigation and Resolution
- System Procedure 1B.1.2 - Preferred Name
1B.2 - Affirmative Action in Employment
1B.3 - Sexual Violence Policy
- System Procedure 1B.3.1 - Response to Sexual Violence and Title IX Sexual Harassment
1B.4 - Access and Accommodation for Individuals with Disabilities
1C - Code of Conduct & Ethics
- System Procedure 1C.0.1 - Employee Code of Conduct
- System Procedure 1C.0.2 - Respectful Workplace
1C.1 - Board of Trustees Code of Conduct
1C.2 - Fraudulent or Other Dishonest Acts
1C.4 - Fiduciary Duty - System Pension Plans
1D - Office of Internal Auditing
1D.1 - Office of Internal Auditing
Chapter 2 - Students
2.1 - Campus Student Associations
2.2 - State Residency
- System Procedure 2.2.1 - State Residency Reclassification
- System Procedure 2.2.2 - U.S. Military Members, Spouses, and Dependent Children
2.3 - Student Involvement in Decision-Making
- System Procedure 2.3.1 - Student Involvement in Decision-Making
- Operating Instruction - Student Voter Registration
2.5 - Repealed
2.6 - Intercollegiate Athletics
2.8 - Student Life
- System Procedure 2.8.1 - Student Life
- Operating Instruction - Student Fee Referendum
2.9 - Academic Standing and Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress
- System Procedure 2.9.1 - Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress
2.10 - Student Housing
Chapter 3 - Educational Policies
3.1 - Student Rights & Responsibilities
3.2 - repealed
3.3 - Assessment for Course Placement
- System Procedure 3.3.1 - Assessment for Course Placement
3.4 - Undergraduate Admissions
- System Procedure 3.4.1 - Undergraduate Admissions
3.5 - Post-secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) Program
- System Procedure 3.5.1 - Post-secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) Program
3.6 - Student Conduct
- System Procedure 3.6.1 - Student Conduct
3.7 - Statewide Student Association
3.8 - Student Complaints and Grievances
- System Procedure 3.8.1 - Student Complaints and Grievances
3.9 - 3.17 - Repealed
3.18 - Honorary Degrees
- System Procedure 3.18.1 - Honorary Degrees
3.19 - 3.20 - repealed
3.21 - Undergraduate Course and Credit Transfer and the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum
- System Procedure 3.21.1 - Transfer of Undergraduate Courses, Credit, Associate Degrees and the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum
- Operating Instruction - Minnesota Transfer Curriculum Instructions
- Operating Instruction - Course Equivalency Rationale and Operating Instructions
- Operating Instruction - Transfer Pathways
3.22 - Course Outlines and Course Syllabi
- System Procedure 3.22.1 - Course Outlines and Course Syllabi
3.23 - Naming Colleges and Universities
- System Procedure 3.23.1 - Minnesota State Affiliation Identifier
3.24 - College or University Type, Mission, and Strategic Plan, and Minnesota State Mission and Vision
- System Procedure 3.24.1 - College and University Type and Mission, and System Mission
3.25 - repealed
3.26 - Intellectual Property
- System Procedure 3.26.1 - Patent Inquiry Process
3.27 - Copyrights
- System Procedure 3.27.1 - Copyright Clearance
3.28 - Charter School Authorizers
- System Procedure 3.28.1 - Charter School Authorizers
3.29 - College and University Transcripts
- System Procedure 3.29.1 - College and University Transcripts
3.30 - Program Advisory Committees
- System Procedure 3.30.1 - Program Advisory Committees
3.31 - Graduate Follow-Up System
3.32 - Faculty Qualifications
- System Procedure 3.32.1 - College Faculty Qualifications
3.33 - Repealed
3.34 - Academic Semester Start Dates
- System Procedure 3.34.1 - Official Academic Semester Start Dates
3.35 - Credit for Prior Learning
- System Procedure 3.35.1 - Credit for Prior Learning - External Assessments
- Operating Instruction - Coding and Encoding Credit for Prior Learning – External Assessments
- System Procedure 3.35.2 - Credit for Prior Learning – Internal College/University Assessments
- Operating Instruction Coding Credit for Prior Learning – Internal Assessments
- System Procedure 3.35.3 - Military Courses and Military Occupations
3.36 - Academic Programs
- System Procedure 3.36.1 - Academic Programs
- Operating Instruction - Course Numbering Convention
- Operating Instruction - Delivery Methods (pdf)
- Operating Instruction - Remote Proctoring of Course Assessments (pdf)
- Operating Instruction - Stackable Credentials for Career and Technical Education Degrees, Diplomas, and Certificates
3.37 - repealed
- System Procedure 3.37.1 - repealed
3.38 - Career Information
- System Procedure 3.38.1 - Career Information
3.39 - Transfer Rights and Responsibilities
3.40 - Recognition of Veteran Status and Active Service Member Status
3.41 - Education Abroad Programs
- System Procedure 3.41.1 - Education Abroad Programs
3.42 - Posthumous Academic Awards
- System Procedure 3.42.1 - Posthumous Academic Awards
3.43 - Accreditation
- System Procedure 3.43.1 - Accreditation
Chapter 4 - Human Resources
- System Procedure 4.0.1 - Use of Volunteers Procedure
- System Procedure 4.0.1 attachment - Volunteer Coaching Release of Liability form (PDF)
4.1 - Personnel Plan for Minnesota State Administrators
4.2 - Appointment of Presidents
4.3 - Repealed
4.4 - Weather / Short Term Emergency Closings
4.5 - Student Employees
4.6 - Re-Employment of Early Retirees
4.7 - Sabbatical Leaves
4.8 - Emeritus Status
4.9 - Employee Evaluation
4.10 - Nepotism
- System Procedure 4.10.1 - Nepotism
4.11 - Board Early Separation Incentive Program
4.12 - 4.13 - Repealed
Chapter 5 - Administration
5.1 - 5.8 - Repealed
5.9 - State Budget Requests and Annual Operating Budget Planning and Approval
5.10 - Reserves and Year-End Fund Balances
- System Procedure 5.10.1 - General Operating Fund Reserve
5.11 - Tuition and Fees
- System Procedure 5.11.1 - Tuition and Fees
- Fee Maximums and Amounts Attachment to Procedure 5.11.1
- Operating Instruction - Payment Plans and Deferments for Textbook Purchases
- Operating Instruction - Repealed
- Operating Instruction - Senior Citizen Charges and Fees
5.12 - Tuition and Fee Due Dates, Refunds, Withdrawals and Waivers
- System Procedure 5.12.1 - Military Service and Veterans with Disabilities
- System Procedure 5.12.2 - Tuition Waivers, Deferrals, and Retroactive Drops
- System Procedure 5.12.3 - Payment Related Dates and Registration Cancellation
- System Procedure 5.12.4 - Refund of Tuition and Fees
- System Procedure 5.12.5 - Payment Plans
5.13 - Information Technology Administration
5.14 - Contracts, Procurements, and Supplier Diversity
- System Procedure 5.14.1 - Repealed
- System Procedure 5.14.2 - Consultant, Professional or Technical Services, and Income Contracts for Board Policy 5.14
- Operating Instruction - Guest Lecturer or Presenter
- System Procedure 5.14.5 - Purchasing for Board Policy 5.14
- System Procedure 5.14.6 - Supplier Diversity
5.15 - Fundraising Principles
5.16 - Risk Management and Insurance
5.17 - Commitment to Environmental Sustainability
- System Procedure 5.17.1 - Environmental Sustainability Practices
- System Procedure 5.18.1 - Alcohol Use and Controlled Substances on Campus
- System Procedure 5.18.2 - Checklist
5.19 - Travel Management
- System Procedure 5.19.2 - Repealed
- System Procedure 5.19.3 - Travel Management
- Operating Instruction - Driver's License Record Check
5.20 - Special Expenses and Chancellor/Presidential Expense Accounts
- System Procedure 5.20.1 - Special Expenses and Chancellor/Presidential Expense Allowances
5.21 - Possession or Carry of Firearms
5.22 - Acceptable Use of Computers and Information Technology Resources
- System Procedure 5.22.1 - Acceptable Use of Computers and Information Technology Resources
- System Procedure 5.22.2 - Cellular and Other Mobile Computing Devices
5.23 - Security and Privacy of Information Resources
- Operating Instruction - Password Usage and Handling
- Operating Instruction - Encryption for Mobile Computing and Storage Devices
- Operating Instruction - Data Sanitization
- Operating Instruction - Information Security Incident Response
- Operating Instruction - Security Patch Management
- Operating Instruction - Vulnerability Scanning
- Operating Instruction - Anti-malware Installation and Management
- Operating Instruction - Payment Card Industry - Technical Requirements
- Operating Instruction - Data Backup
- Operating Instruction - Breach Notification
- Operating Instruction - Review of Third Party Vendors
- System Procedure 5.23.2 Data Security Classification
- Operating Instruction Data Security Classification
- System Procedure 5.23.3 Information Security Requirements and Controls
- Operating Instruction Information Security Controls
5.24 - Safety and Security Compliance
- System Procedure 5.24.1 - Hazardous Waste Management and Donated Materials
- System Procedure 5.24.2 - Safety and Security Standards, Rules and Practices
- Operating Instruction - Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Compliance
- Operating Instruction - Construction Stormwater Permit Compliance
- Operating Instruction - Asbestos Operations and Maintenance
- Operating Instruction - Chemical Hygiene
- Operating Instruction - Structural Burn Training
- Operating Instruction - Safety Committee
- System Procedure 5.24.3 - Emergency Management
- System Procedure 5.24.4 - Public Access Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Devices
- Operating Instruction - Public Access Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Devices
- System Procedure 5.24.5 - Campus Security
- Operating Instruction - Use of Force
5.25 - Use of Electronic Signatures
- System Procedure 5.25.1 - Use of Electronic Signatures
- Operating Instruction - Appropriate Use and Implementation of Electronic Signatures
5.26 - Management of Enterprise System Data
- System Procedure 5.26.1 - Enterprise Data Governance
Chapter 6 - Facilities Management
6.1 - 6.6 - Repealed
6.7 - Real Estate Transactions and Management
- System Procedure 6.7.1 - Acquisition and Disposition 0f Real Estate
- System Procedure 6.7.2 - Leasing College or University Property for Non-College and University Activities
- Checklist - Leasing and Use of Minnesota State Facilities (pdf)
- System Procedure 6.7.3 - Use of Non-College and University Facilities (College or University as Lessee/Tenant)
- Checklist - Leasing and Using Off-Campus Facilities (pdf)
- System Procedure 6.7.4 - Carpentry Program Administration
6.8 - Naming Buildings, Sites, and Common Areas
- System Procedure 6.8.1 - Naming Buildings, Sites and Common Area
6.9 - Capital Planning
6.10 - Design and Construction
6.11 - Facility Management and Operations
Chapter 7 - General Finance Provisions
7.1 - Finance and Administrative Authority of Board, Chancellor, and Presidents
7.2 - Repealed
7.3 - Financial Administration
- System Procedure 7.3.1 - Foundation Donations and Payroll Deductions
- System Procedure 7.3.2 - Auxiliary Operations
- Operating Instruction - Auxiliary Multi-Year Financial Planning
- System Procedure 7.3.3 - Purchasing Cards
- System Procedure 7.3.4 - Cost Allocation
- Operating Instruction - Cost Allocation and Implementation
- System Procedure 7.3.5 - Revenue Fund Management
- System Procedure 7.3.6 - Capital Assets
- Operating Instruction - Capital Leases Involving Tax-Exempt Interest
- System Procedure 7.3.7 - Impairment of Capital Assets
- System Procedure 7.3.12 - Scholarships
- System Procedure 7.3.13 - Surplus Personal Property/Building Disposal
- System Procedure 7.3.16 - Financial Health Indicators
- Operating Instruction - Repealed, see 7.3.16
- Operating Instruction - Financial Health Indicator Responses
- System Procedure 7.3.17 - Electronic Payments
- Operating Instruction - Operating Instructions for Payment Card Acceptance, Processing and Security
7.4 - Financial Reporting
7.5 - Financial Institutions and Investments
- System Procedure 7.5.1 - Local Cash and Investments
- Operating Instruction - Accounting for Student Organizations, Clubs, and Agency Funds
- Operating Instruction - Banking and Brokerage Requirements
- Operating Instruction - Allowable Investments
7.6 - Business Activities
- System Procedure 7.6.1 - Competition with Private Sector
- System Procedure 7.6.2 - Accounts Receivable Management
- Operating Instruction - Satisfactory Academic Progress Exception
7.7 - Gift and Grants Acceptance
- System Procedure 7.7.1 - Repealed
7.9 - Repealed
Chapter 8 - College and University Relations
8.1 - Repealed
8.3 - College and University Related Foundations
- System Procedure 8.3.1 - College and University Related Foundations Procedure
- System Procedure 8.3.2 - Waiver to College and University Related Foundations Policy
8.5 - Local Advisory Committees
Carried Forward Policies
Directories of policies that were carried forward from the three former systems merged.
- Community Colleges - Carry Forward Policies
- Technical Colleges - Carry Forward Policies - repealed
- State Universities - Carry Forward Policies