5.18 Alcoholic Beverages or Controlled Substances on Campus
Board Policies
Chapter 5 - Administration
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Part 1. Policy Statement. It is the policy of the Board of Trustees that any college or university using alcohol and/or controlled substances will do so only in accordance with this policy.
Part 2. Use or Possession of Alcohol and Controlled Substances at Minnesota State Colleges and Universities and System Office.
- Compliance with Federal Law. In order to comply with Federal law, including, but not limited to, the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (34 CFR Part 86), the Drug- Free Workplace Act (34 CFR Part 85) and the Campus Security Act, the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system office will adopt and implement a policy which is designed to prevent abuse of alcohol and the use of controlled substances.
- Compliance with State Law (see related documents below). Minnesota State Colleges and Universities prohibit unlawful use, possession, production, manufacture, and distribution of alcohol and other drugs and controlled substances.
- Policy. Except as provided in this policy, the possession, use, sale or distribution of alcoholic beverages and 3.2% malt liquor at Minnesota State Colleges and Universities and institution-sponsored events on or off campus is prohibited.
- Exception for Instructional Purposes. Use of alcohol in laboratory and classroom instruction/experiments is not prohibited.
Part 3. Responsibilities. The chancellor for the system office and the president for the college or university are delegated authority to approve use of alcohol at specific special events on campus or college or university sponsored events off campus. Approval shall be consistent with the system office or campus drug and alcohol policy and with system procedures. The procedures shall address the following: compliance with local ordinances and state law relating to sale, possession or consumption of alcohol; providing adequate dram shop/public liability insurance; and any other matters deemed necessary by the chancellor.
Related Documents:
- Procedure 5.18.1 Alcohol or Controlled Substances Use Procedure
- Procedure 5.18.2 Approval Check List
To view any of the following related statutes, go to the Revisor's Office website. You can conduct a search from this site by typing in the statute number.
- Minnesota Statute Chapter 340A, Alcohol
Policy History:
Date of Adoption: 06/21/00,
Date of Implementation: 06/21/00,
Date & Subject of Revisions:
11/26/12 - Policy 5.18 was reviewed. No changes were recommended.
11/16/11 - Effective 1/1/12, the Board of Trustees amends all board policies to change the term "Office of the Chancellor" to "system office," and to make necessary related grammatical changes.
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