Executive Summary

"Putting Students First: MnSCU's Plan for Minnesota" outlines how Minnesota State Colleges and Universities will meet the higher education needs of students into the next century.

Established on July 1, 1995, MnSCU provides high quality programs through its 10 technical colleges, 8 community colleges, 11 consolidated colleges and 7 state universities located in 46 communities throughout Minnesota.

MnSCU offers a wide array of educational opportunities. These include programs in technical education, which prepares students for skilled occupations that do not require a baccalaureate degree; pre-baccalaureate education, which offers lower division instruction in academic programs; occupational education, in which all credits earned are accepted for transfer to a baccalaureate degree in the same field of study; and baccalaureate and graduate education, which offers instruction through the master's degree, including specialist certificates, in the liberal arts and sciences and professional education.

This strategic plan includes ambitious goals for increasing levels of accountability to students and to taxpayers, improving preparation for careers, adding a skill-based credit transfer option, embracing technology as a core education component, aligning programs and services with state needs and strengthening the MnSCU/K-12 partnership.

The six goals represent a three-year strategy (1997-2000) to help MnSCU increase its contribution to Minnesota's economic competitiveness and the quality of life for its citizens.

Summary of Strategic Goals

MnSCU Statement of Values

The MnSCU Vision Statement

Return to the MnSCU Strategic Plan
