Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, established on July 1, 1995, is poised to make fundamental changes in Minnesota higher education. This strategic plan includes ambitious goals for increasing levels of accountability to students and to taxpayers, improving preparation for careers, adding a skill-based credit transfer option, embracing technology as a core educational component and strengthening the MnSCU / K-12 partnership. By attaining these goals, MnSCU will contribute significantly to Minnesota's economic competitiveness and the quality of life for its citizens. Approved by the Board of Trustees, December 1996
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MnSCU Responsibilities to the State of Minnesota
External Considerations for Strategic Planning
Internal Considerations for Strategic Planning
What MnSCU Heard at Town Meetings, Other Forums
A) Strategic Planning Timeline
B) MnSCU Town Meeting Schedule
C) MnSCU Student Profile Data
D) MnSCU Campus Locations