December 4 1996 Special Board Meeting Summary

World Trade Center
St. Paul, Minnesota



Strategic Plan
The Board of Trustees amended MnSCU's Strategic Plan by adding "Systemwide accountability" to the Statement of Values. Other editorial revisions were noted and will be made to the final document. The Board of Trustees unanimously approved the MnSCU strategic plan, as amended.



1998-1999 Biennial Budget
The Board of Trustees, with one abstention (Trustee Morrie Anderson), approved the FY1998-1999 Biennial Budget Request. The board further directed that the chancellor initiate discussions concerning the appropriate targeting of state grant dollars now under the jurisdiction of the Higher Education Services Office. The goal of these discussions is to improve access and affordability of MnSCU institutions to the citizens of Minnesota. (Click here for the 1998-99 biennial budget request)

Tuition Strategy
A substitute motion was distributed by Trustee Robert Erickson. Following discussion, the motion was amended, and approved by the Board of Trustees, as follows:

The Board of Trustees approves a planning range for FY 98 tuition increases, if any, from 0 to 5%. The tuition revenues will be retained by the campuses and added to the base budgets. The administration will develop long term tuition strategies for each institution and will make FY 99 and succeeding year recommendations to the Board of Trustees for each institution consistent with the institution's long term tuition strategy. Summary information on each institution's tuition consultative process will accompany the tuition recommendation. The administration will make FY 98 recommendations to the Board of Trustees for their review and approval in May, 1997, after legislative adjournment.
