Procedure 5.22.1, Acceptable Use of Computers and Information Technology Resources - History
Board Policies
Chapter 5 - Administration
Procedure History:
Date of Adoption: 1/23/04,
Date of Implementation:1/23/04,
Date & Subject of Revisions:
4/2/15 - Amended Part 5, Subpart A to emphasize that personal use of system-owned cellular devices and information technology resources is governed by state law, board policy and system procedure.
1/25/12 - The Chancellor amends all current system procedures effective February 15, 2012, to change the term "Office of the Chancellor" to "system office" or similar term reflecting the grammatical context of the sentence.
04/05/10 - Changes include references to new System Procedure 5.22.2 Cellular and Mobile Computing Devices and existing System Procedure 1C.0.1 Employee Code of Conduct. Changes have also been made to clarify language.