Job Search Resources

There are employers hiring now. Find the information you need for a successful job search. Learn who is hiring now. Search for jobs by location. Connect to employers and jobs with virtual events. Locate support services to help you while you search for a job.

Who Is Hiring Now?

Top Employers Hiring Now

These are the employers who posted the most job openings in Minnesota.

Source: Gartner TalentNeuron 2021.

Top Employers Hiring Part-Time

If you are looking for part-time work while you continue your education or juggle other priorities, try these employers.

Source: Gartner TalentNeuron 2021.

A survey from 2020 shows that median earnings grow from $619 to $781 per week just by earning a high school diploma. Getting a bachelor's degree increases median earnings to $1,305 per week.

Weekly Earnings by Education Attainment


Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

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