Medication Aide (formerly TMA Trained Medication Aide)

New comprehensive Medication Aide training is open from Minnesota State. Available in two delivery models, in-person classroom or hybrid, the Minnesota State Medication Aide training will reinforce student understanding of drug administration through consistent and customized training options to meet your needs.

  • Upskill your current workforce
  • Consistent training for all employees statewide
  • Invest in your team’s training and growth
  • New curriculum and textbook specific to the role of a medication aide
  • Reduce medication administration errors
  • Choose your delivery model: in-person or hybrid
  • Cost of the training may be reimbursable to nursing facilities participating in the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) Nursing Facility Employee Scholarship Program

This training fulfills the Minnesota State Statute requirements for a standardized medication administration training program for unlicensed personnel in nursing homes offered through a Minnesota postsecondary educational institution.

Minnesota law governs the qualifications required to work as a medication aide in a licensed nursing home. If you question your eligibility or the eligibility of your employees, please read the Minnesota State Statute requirements

How do I sign up for training?


You can also contact us to learn about options to bring customized training to your group or organization.

Contact Us

Whether you are looking for training for your workforce, help connecting to industry experts, or any other need, our trained support staff is available to answer your questions and connect you with resources. 

Live chat, email questions, or call us to connect to solutions for your workforce. We look forward to assisting you! 

Toll-free: 833-905-WORK
International: +1-651-5568456
MN Relay: 800-627-3529