STATEMENT: Governor Dayton Recommends New Funding for Minnesota State

Posted: January 24, 2017

Contact: Noelle Hawton,, 651-201-1801

ST. PAUL, Minn., Jan.24, 2017 – Governor Mark Dayton today released his biennial budget recommendation that included $150 million in new funding over the biennium for the colleges and universities of Minnesota State.

Steven Rosenstone, Minnesota State chancellor, said, “We deeply appreciate the support we have received from Governor Dayton. If enacted by the legislature, the funding in his recommendation would help to meet Minnesota’s critical need for talent by protecting access and affordability, improving the success of our diverse students, reducing economic and racial disparities, providing for our critical information technology infrastructure, and helping to meet Minnesota’s critical need for talent.”

Michael Vekich, chair of the Board of Trustees of Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, said, “The funding in our budget request will directly benefit the students and the campuses of Minnesota State as well as all of the communities they serve across Minnesota. We are pleased with the Governor’s recommendation and look forward to working with the legislature in the months ahead.”

Minnesota State includes 30 community and technical colleges and seven state universities serving approximately 400,000 students. It is the fourth-largest system of two-year colleges and four-year universities in the United States.