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Normandale Community College

Photo of Scott Thayer

Scott Thayer

Hometown: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Graduated: 1992
Major/Major: Liberal Studies

“I never thought that I would attend a community college, but it’s probably the best experience that I have had in higher education,” says Normandale alum Scott Thayer.

After not making the University of Minnesota baseball team, Scott transferred to Normandale to not only have a successful college baseball career, with back-to-back state championships, but also to kick off his career in student success.

For over 20 years, Scott has inspired students in the California community college system. Currently, he serves as the Vice President of Student Services at San Bernardino Valley College. Throughout his career, Scott attributes his time at Normandale to inspiring his daily work.

“After the experience I had at Normandale, I wanted to be able to provide that similar experience to somebody else,” said Scott. He went on to get his start as a TRIO Upward Bound staff member and high school baseball coach.

“I thought coaching was the route that I would take, but I realized that in doing student affairs I could do a lot more than just the coaching part.”

Scott has held various positions in student affairs and continued his own academic journey receiving a Doctorate in Education from the University of Southern California.

Looking back at his education from Normandale Scott says, “I think it set a great foundation for moving forward in my career.”