Copyright Resource Clearinghouse

Below are links compiled into a copyright resource clearinghouse for various types of material.

Entity Specialty Contact Info Cost
Daryl Cagles' Pro Cartoonists Index Contains hundreds of links to syndicated cartoonists.
Association of American Editorial Cartoonists (AAEC) Editorial Cartoon Digital Collection An Internet-accessible, fully searchable database of digitized versions of original editorial artworks by more than 300 artists from the United States, Canada, and Mexico. The cartoons date from 1782 to 1980, though the bulk of the collection was created since 1960. Under Fair Use, users may make a single reproduction (print or download) for these purposes, on the condition that they adequately attribute credit to The University of Southern Mississippi Libraries in any resulting works. Users must identify and secure permission from the copyright holder to make reproductions of copyrighted resources.

Fine Arts
Entity Specialty Contact Info
Visual Arts and Galleries Association (VAGA) A professional membership body representing the interests of organizations and individuals concerned with the exhibition, interpretation and development of modern and contemporary visual art on behalf of the public Visual Arts and Galleries Association (VAGA)
350 5th Ave., Ste. 6305
New York, NY 10118-6305
phone: 212-736-6666
Artists Rights Society (ARS) An artists' rights organization that licenses reproduction rights to users of visual art on behalf of members. ARS represents the estates of many of the artists active in France in this century, including Kandinsky, Braque, Chagall and Miro. Artists Rights Society
65 Bleeker Street
New York, NY 10012
212-420-9160 (Tel.)

General Info re: locating copyright owners
Entity Specialty Contact Info
U.S. Copyright Office Records A free online service of the United States Copyright Office
Copyright Office
Library of Congress
Washington, DC 20559
(forms & publications hotline)
The Authors Registry maintains an extensive directory of authors, with contact addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers, and e-mail addresses. 31 East 28th Street
New York, NY 10016
212-564-5363 (Tel.)

Image Galleries
Entity Specialty Contact Info
Photographer's Index A comprehensive internet directory for photography. Search for photographers, stock photo houses and much more.
Saskia/Luna Imaging Project
Allan Kohl's Art Images for College Teaching
Media Image Resource Alliance (MIRA)
Artists Rights Foundation
American Society of Media Photographers
Picture Network International

International Licensing Organizations
Entity Specialty Contact Info Cost
Authors Licensing and Collecting Society (ALCS) The UK rights management society for all writers. Its principal business is to collect and distribute fees to writers whose works have been copied, broadcast or recorded. It also collects monies for lending and rental. The CLA offers photocopying licenses to educational establishments within the UK, and government departments (both local and national).
The license fee, and its subsequent distribution to rights holders, is based on data gathered from statistical surveys and transactional usage.
Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA) The Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA) Ltd is the UK's Reproduction Rights Organization and is responsible for looking after the interests of rights owners over the copying of books, journals, magazines and periodicals. CLA licenses business, education and government to copy extracts from books, journals, magazines and periodicals. CLA's licenses also include artistic works through its agency agreement with the DACS.
Design and Artists Copyright Society (DACS) DACS is the copyright and collecting society for visual artists in the UK. DACS licenses the reproduction of its members' works, charging fees calculated according to a published tariff.

Entity Specialty Contact Info Cost
The Motion Picture Licensing Corporation (MPLC) An independent copyright licensing service exclusively authorized by major Hollywood motion picture studios and independent producers to grant licenses to non-profit groups, businesses and government organizations for the public performances of home videocassettes and videodiscs.
5455 Centinela Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90066-6970
(800) 462-8855
(310) 822-8855
fax: (310) 822-4440
Motion Picture Licensing Corporation's Umbrella License allows unlimited use of all MPLC authorized motion picture titles within licensed facilities. The license period is generally one year and there is a low, annual fee. The license does not cover showings where an admission is charged or where specific titles have been advertised or publicized.
Call (800) 462-8855 for a license fee quote.
Movie Licensing USA Provides movie public performance site licensing to schools for the use of entertainment videos. The license allows a school an unlimited number of exhibitions of copyrighted entertainment movies for a flat annual fee. The annual license fee is determined by the enrollment of each school obtaining the license
Swank Motion Pictures, Inc. Swank Motion Pictures, Inc. is a major movie distributor and a public performance licensing agent in non-theatrical markets where feature entertainment movies are shown.
(800) 876-5577

Music Rights
Entity Specialty Contact Info Cost
American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP)
(for a license to use a musical composition)
ASCAP licenses the right to perform songs and musical works created and owned by songwriters, composers, lyricists and music publishers who are ASCAP members and members of foreign performing rights organizations who are represented by ASCAP in the United States. ASCAP's licensees encompass all who want to perform copyrighted music publicly. The annual ASCAP licensing rate depends on the type of business. Generally, rates are based on the manner in which music is performed (live, recorded or audio only or audio/visual) and the size of the establishment or potential audience for the music. ASCAP has over a hundred different licenses and rate schedules.
(for a license to use a musical composition)
BMI licenses businesses to play musical works owned by the songwriters, composers, and musical publishers it represents. Most BMI licenses are for an initial term of one year. Generally, licenses automatically renew for additional one-year periods unless either you or BMI give notice of cancellation. Some fee adjustments are influenced by the current Consumer Price Index.
SESAC A performing rights organization (like BMI and ASCAP) that represents songwriters and publishers.
Harry Fox Agency and National Music Publishers' Association (NMPA)
(for a license to produce and distribute musical compositions)
A performing rights organization (like BMI and ASCAP) that represents songwriters and publishers. Cites to statutory royalty rates: 8.00 cents per minute for songs 5 minutes or less; 1.55 cents per minute (or fraction thereof) for all songs over 5 minutes.
Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA)
(for sound recording licensing information)
The Recording Industry Association of America is the trade group that represents the U.S. recording industry. Its website provides information about who to contact for a sound recording license at some of its member labels
Music Research Consultants Music Research Consultants' web page contains links to publishers, record labels, music rights agencies, and more.
All Music Guide Using the name of an artist, album, song or label, you can search here for rights owner information and often links directly to the source.

Play Rights
Entity Specialty Contact Info
Anchorage Press Plays for young people PO Box 2901
Louisville, KY 40102-2901
Baker's Plays 100 Chauncy Street
Boston, MA 02111-1783
Dramatic Publishing Co. 311 Washington St.
Woodstock, IL 60098
800-448-7469 (Tel.)
800-334-5302 (Fax)
Dramatist's Play Service 440 Park Avenue South
NY, NY 10016
Rodgers and Hammerstein Theatre Library 212-564-4000
Samuel French, Inc. 45 West 25th Street
NY, NY 10010-2751