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/system/asa/innovations/innovation-funding/images/developing-2d-3d-375-275.jpgsite://minnstate/system/asa/innovations/innovation-funding/images/developing-2d-3d-375-275.jpgminnstatedeveloping-2d-3d-375-275.jpgdeveloping-2d-3d-375-275.jpg95983114751081Students on computers2D & 3D Virtual Activity-Based Learning Approaches

Developing 2D and 3D Virtual Activity Based Learning Approaches Using OER Integration with an Online Adaptive Pedagogy-Based Platform

Century College 


Through a collaborative partnership with a company called LRNR, Century College faculty created one of the most interactive and fully online laboratory-based courses in Anatomy and Physiology. As an added value, the course was created using open educational resources. 

Type of Grant Received through Minnesota State Innovation Funding 

Large Seed Grant – $25,000 


Rahul Kane

Minnesota State faculty, staff, and administrators interested in applying for an innovation funding grant can visit the Innovation Funding SharePoint (log in using to find more information and applications.