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/system/asa/innovations/innovation-funding/images/scc.jpgsite://minnstate/system/asa/innovations/innovation-funding/images/scc.jpgminnstatescc.jpgscc.jpg26992375275Minnesota State University, Mankato campus.Open Textbook Institute

Open Textbook Institute

South Central College


South Central College (SCC) started upon a two phase program to encourage faculty adoption of open textbooks. The first phase provided face to face and online overviews of open educational resources to groups of faculty members. The second phase consisted of two summer institutes: one for exploring open textbooks, and another for actually implementing them into the curriculum. In the latter, faculty were provided support from knowledgeable SCC staff who were dedicated to the project.

Type of Grant Received through Minnesota State Innovation Funding 

Large Seed Grant – $24,500

Minnesota State faculty, staff, and administrators interested in applying for an innovation funding grant can visit the Innovation Funding SharePoint (log in using to find more information and applications.