Section 1 - Administration
The Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (Minnesota State) Board of Trustees is the eligible agency authorized to receive and disburse federal funds and to supervise the administration of the state Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs. This is accomplished through the Minnesota State System Office under a state plan developed jointly with the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) pursuant to Minnesota Statute § 136F.79 and the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Public Law 115-224 known as Perkins V). The System Office negotiates the level of responsibility for the administration, operation, and supervision of this Act at the secondary level with MDE’s Office of Career and College Success, except for those responsibilities specifically reserved to Minnesota State by section 121(a) of the Act.
As the eligible agency, Minnesota State administers the Perkins V Federal Grant through a formula/non- competitive grant process and the full allocations in accordance with the federally approved state plan. Staff from Minnesota State and MDE are responsible for the distribution and management of the federal grant to recipients. Grantees for these federal funds are from Minnesota State’s community and technical colleges and Minnesota public school districts.
Primary Administrative Contacts
Karl Ohrn
System Director for Career and Technical Education/State Director
Academic Affairs Division
Minnesota State (Sole State Agency)
Michelle Kamenov
Supervisor, Career Development and Career and Technical Education
Office of Career and College Success
Minnesota Department of Education