Perkins Local Application

The Perkins V Federal Grant for Career and Technical Education (CTE) provides funds for approved Career and Technical Education programs. In Minnesota, funds are distributed on the basis of state-approved career and technical education programs and appropriate teacher licensure.

Note for secondary consortium leaders: The Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) approves Career and Technical Education Programs (CTE) that meet teacher licensing and other criteria. These programs are eligible to access federal Perkins V funds. Districts that accept these federal dollars must report enrollment and student proficiency for CTE courses and programs to the department.

Important Dates:

  • Application Due:  May 1 
  • Annual Performance Report Due: Oct. 15 at 4:30 p.m. 

The following includes the materials from the February 25, 2025 Application Academy. The Application Academy focused on writing need, strategy and outcome statements for the FY26 Local Application due May 1, 2025. If you were not able to attend the Application Academy, contact your state liaison for further information. 

All forms listed here are required and must be submitted with your Perkins local application. Click on the document's name to download a copy of the file to your computer.

  1. Statements of Assurance (.doc)
    (Statements of Assurance should be combined and uploaded as one single PDF)
  2. Perkins V Local Application (FY26) document (.doc)
  3. CLNA Results & Priorities (FY26) template (.doc)
  4. S-RPOS - Funding POS (FY26) spreadsheet (.xls) Under Revision March 2025
  5. Combined Secondary Postsecondary Budget (FY26) spreadsheet (.xls)
  6. Consortium Consolidated Equipment Inventory
  7. Perkins Funded Positions spreadsheet (.xls)
  8. Position Descriptions for each position partially or fully funded by Perkins
  9. Improvement Plan (Only required for those consortia on an improvement plan)

  • Refer to the Minnesota Operational Guide as another resource as you complete your local application. The guide provides joint state-developed guidance on Programs of Study, Uses of Funds, Performance Indicators, etc.
  • The Perkins Consortia and Contacts webpage will have consortium contact information along with Consortium Indicator Performance Reports, previous year approved applications, and APRs.
If you have difficulty accessing the information on the website, contact Jared Reise at (651) 201-1711 or

Use the resource below to help you develop your local comprehensive needs assessment.

CLNA Guide

Annual Performance Report

APR Questions for 2024

Use this document to capture your responses. Directions for submitting your consortium APR will be coming soon.