CTE Professional Development
We offer professional development activities and topics geared towards Perkins Coordinators, the CTE professionals responsible for administering and implementing the Perkins V Legislation to improve career and technical education.
To request or suggest a professional development topic, contact Yingfah Thao, Director of Professional Development.
Professional development webinars provide Perkins consortium members with relevant information needed to implement Perkins V. See the list of dates and sessions using the link below.
Perkins Consortia Leaders meet with State Staff for updated information on administering the Perkins V grant. Perkins Leaders meetings are held twice a year.
This collection of professional learning opportunities was developed for career-and-college readiness and career pathway practitioners working in secondary and postsecondary education, and workforce development.
The resources and events in this inventory were curated by and for faculty, instructors, counselors, advisors, administrators and other educators to support your work in career pathway or career and technical education programming for youths and adults. Use the inventory to find descriptions and contact information for professional development events, resources, and job-embedded offerings for career pathway practitioners.
Link to the Collection of Professional Learning. Open with Google Sheets to access filters and search capabilities.
Modeled after the ACTE Leadership Training Program, this mentor/mentee program focuses on critical information and strategies to help new leaders succeed. The Perkins Coordinator Mentor/Mentee Program assists new Perkins Coordinators with the leadership skills needed to successfully administer the Perkins V federal grant, lead or influence Rigorous Program of Study curricula, and participate in regional career pathway and other initiatives related to Career and Technical Education.
Get Involved
The System Office asks for volunteers annually to be mentors and assigns mentors to new consortium leaders. Responsibilities of the program include the following:
- Mentors provide one-on-one mentoring with their assigned mentee, virtually or in-person
- Both mentors and mentees are expected to attend professional development meetings throughout the year conducted by System Office personnel
- Attendance at the annual Consortia Leaders’ Meeting in October/November
- Mentees are encouraged to attend one of three professional development conferences in the spring (MACTA Spring Conference/Meeting, ACTE Region III Conference, or the ACTE National Policy Seminar).
More Information
For information about this program or to sign up to be a mentor/mentee, contact Sue Selland-Miller, Associate Director for CTE at sue.selland-miller@minnstate.edu.
The annual Career and Technical Education Summit is held in November every year. It is the largest conference in Minnesota, bringing together CTE teachers, faculty, administrators, business and industry sectors, and the workforce development community.
More Information
For information about the annual Summit, contact Yingfah Thao, Director of Professional Development, at yingfah.thao@minnstate.edu.