Perkins Monthly Webinar Series
Date: Every 2nd Thursday of the month
Time: 10:00 -11:00 A.M.
Special webinars are added on occasion that may not fall on the 2nd Thursday of the month.
These monthly webinars are designed specifically to provide support and technical assistance to Perkins Consortium Leaders who oversee the administration and implementation of the Perkins Federal Grant in their consortium. State staff, CTE consortium leaders, or other subject-matter experts facilitate Webinars.
September 12, 2024
In place of the September 12 webinar, we will upload a prerecorded presentation on the APR completion.
Topic: Annual Performance Reporting Requirements and Submission
Presenter: Karl Ohrn, Minnesota State
Topic: Postsecondary Accountability (Part I)
Time: 10:00-11:00 AM
Presenters: Katie Vaccari, Minnesota State
Who should attend? Postsecondary Perkins Leaders; optional for Secondary Perkins Leaders
Registration: No registration required. invitations are sent out to the Perkins Leaders LISTSERV.
This session will review Perkins V Postsecondary accountability definitions, structure, and reporting in Minnesota. We will also provide updates related to accountability and SDPLs (i.e., targets) and allow time for questions. An additional session will be offered in October, focusing more specifically on the Perkins V Postsecondary reports available in Power BI. It will include an overview of the information in the reports and a demonstration of how to access and use the reports in Power BI.
Learning Outcomes
- Understand Perkins V Postsecondary data structure, accountability definitions and reporting timelines. Know where to find/review your consortium’s accountability data.
- Understand how State Determined Performance Levels (SDPLs) are established.
- Know how they are used to evaluate performance (i.e., Improvement Plan required).
- Understand what it means to be on Improvement Plan Status.
- Know where to find/review your consortium’s summary performance reports and determine if your consortium is on an Improvement Plan for an indicator.
Presentation (.pdf)
Watch the recording (55 min.)
Topic: Secondary Accountability
Time: 10:00-11:00 AM
Presenters: Kari-Ann Ediger, MDE
Who should attend? Secondary Perkins Leaders; optional for Postsecondary Perkins Leaders
Registration: No registration required. invitations are sent out to the Perkins Leaders LISTSERV.
This session will provide a review of Perkins V secondary accountability definitions, a high-level overview of the data collection process and timeline for reporting, as well as an update regarding the State Determined Performance Levels (SDPL’s/targets) –particularly the new Science indicator targets.
Learning Outcomes
- Understand how State-Approved Programs, Data reporting, and Accountability are all tied to both the Federal and State legislation.
- Learn how Participants & Concentrators are tied to funding allocations for consortia, and why reporting accurate data is critical.
- Understand Perkins V secondary accountability definitions and reporting timelines.
- Be familiar with where to access and review your consortium’s accountability data as well as continuous improvement reports that are available.
- Learn about the process for establishing state and local State Determined Performance Levels (SDPLs).
- Know how SDPL’s are used to evaluate performance (i.e., when an Improvement Plan is required).
- Understand what it means for your consortium to be on Improvement Plan Status and what action leaders will need to take, as well as criteria for requesting adjustments.
Watch the recording (54 min.)
Directions to view comments in PDF: Select Review Comments.
October 10, 2024 (No webinar)
October 24, 2024
Topic: Postsecondary Accountability Power BI Training (Part II)
Time: 10:00-11:00 AM
Presenters: Russell Dahlke, Minnesota State
Who should attend? Postsecondary Perkins Leaders; optional for Secondary Perkins Leaders
Registration: No registration required. Invitations are sent out to the Perkins Leaders LISTSERV.
This session will focus more specifically on the Perkins V Postsecondary reports available in Power BI. It will include an overview of the information provided in the reports and a demonstration of how to access and use the reports in Power BI.
Learning Outcomes
1. Know how to request access to the Perkins V Reporting app.
2. Know how to log in to Power BI from Office 365 and find the Perkins V Reporting app.
3. Understand the reports available in the app and when/how to use them.
Presentation (PDF)
Watch the recording (37 min)
November 14, 2024
No webinar this month due to the 2024 CTE Summit.
December 10, 2024
Topic: RealTime Talent Series Statewide Kickoff
Time: 10:00-11:30 AM
Presenters: Erin Olson, RealTime Talent
RealTime Talent will present on the labor market needs, opportunities, and critical career pathways for continued development leading into 2025. This information will be presented in six regional reports and shared in a series of four webinars, featuring insights by region.Objectives
Understand regional labor market trends, including talent demand by career field and likely workforce shortages
Explore how labor market demand may impact enrollment, industry, career advancement, and needed programs of study by region
Understand specific talent opportunities and regional strengths in each of the six career fields: Health Science Technology; Engineering, Manufacturing, and Technology; Arts, Communications, and Information Systems; Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources; Business, Management, and Administration; Human Services
Presentations and Handouts
Presentation (PDF)
2024 Statewide Report (PDF)
Webinar Recording (1 hr 32 min)
December 12, 2024
Topic: Northwest and Northeast MN Region
Time: 10:00-11:30 AM
Presenters: Erin Olson, RealTime Talent
RealTime Talent will present on the labor market needs, opportunities, and critical career pathways for continued development leading into 2025. This information will be presented in six regional reports and shared in a series of four webinars, featuring insights by region.
Understand regional labor market trends, including talent demand by career field and likely workforce shortages
Explore how labor market demand may impact enrollment, industry, career advancement, and needed programs of study by region
Understand specific talent opportunities and regional strengths in each of the six career fields: Health Science Technology; Engineering, Manufacturing, and Technology; Arts, Communications, and Information Systems; Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources; Business, Management, and Administration; Human Services
Presentations and Handouts
Presentation (PDF)
Northwest MN Report (PDF)
Northeast MN Report (PDF)
Webinar Recording (1 hr 25 min)
December 17, 2024
Topic: Central and Twin Cities MN Region
Time: 10:00-11:30 AM
Presenters: Erin Olson, RealTime Talent
RealTime Talent will present on the labor market needs, opportunities, and critical career pathways for continued development leading into 2025. This information will be presented in six regional reports and shared in a series of four webinars, featuring insights by region.
Understand regional labor market trends, including talent demand by career field and likely workforce shortages
Explore how labor market demand may impact enrollment, industry, career advancement, and needed programs of study by region
Understand specific talent opportunities and regional strengths in each of the six career fields: Health Science Technology; Engineering, Manufacturing, and Technology; Arts, Communications, and Information Systems; Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources; Business, Management, and Administration; Human Services
Presentations and Handouts
Presentation (PDF)
Central MN Report (PDF)
Metro Area Report (PDF)
Webinar Recording (1 hr 28 min)
December 19, 2024
Topic: Southeast and Southwest
Time: 10:00-11:30 AM
Presenters: Erin Olson, RealTime Talent
RealTime Talent will present on the labor market needs, opportunities, and critical career pathways for continued development leading into 2025. This information will be presented in six regional reports and shared in a series of four webinars, featuring insights by region.
Understand regional labor market trends, including talent demand by career field and likely workforce shortages
Explore how labor market demand may impact enrollment, industry, career advancement, and needed programs of study by region
Understand specific talent opportunities and regional strengths in each of the six career fields: Health Science Technology; Engineering, Manufacturing, and Technology; Arts, Communications, and Information Systems; Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources; Business, Management, and Administration; Human Services
Presentations and Handouts
Presentation (PDF)
Southwest MN Report (PDF)
Southeast MN Report (PDF)
Webinar Recording (1 hr 30 min)
January 9, 2025
Topic: Completing Your Reallocation
Time: 10:00-11:00 AM
Presenters: Minnesota State and MDE Staff
Required attendance: Yes
Presentations and Handouts
Presentation (PDF)
Webinar Recording (36 min)
February 13, 2025
Topic: Completing Your Local Application
Time: 10:00-11:00 AM
Presenters: Minnesota State and MDE Staff
Required attendance: Yes
Link to join:
Presentations and Handouts
February 20, 2025
Topic: CTE Month Webinar: A Good Career Fit - Seeing Other Possibilities
Time: 10:00-11:00 AM
Presenters: Her Own Words CEO Jocelyn Riley
Required attendance: Optional
Link to Register: A Good Career Fit Registration Link
What career-exploration process leads a preschool teacher to become a firefighter? Why did a waitress become a mold-maker? How did a Ph.D. student decide to drop out of her program to pursue an apprenticeship as a carpenter? Women workers told these career stories to producer Jocelyn Riley as part of her 200 interviews of women working in nontraditional careers. This webinar will highlight a variety of career stories and will stimulate discussion of how people make career decisions.
- Develop and implement effective career exploration strategies to inspire women and girls to consider nontraditional occupations (NTOs) and careers.
- Analyze and evaluate the stories of women who have chosen NTOs to understand their decision-making processes and pathways.
- Design and execute promotional strategies to effectively advocate for nontraditional occupations (NTOs).
March 13, 2025
Topic: How to Submit Your Local Application to the MN Pekins Portal Site
Time: 10:00-11:00 AM
Presenters: Minnesota State and MDE Staff
Required attendance: Yes
Link to join:
Presentations and Handouts
April 10, 2025
Topic: To be determined
Time: 10:00-11:00 AM
Required attendance:
Learning Outcomes
Presentations and Handouts
May 8, 2025
Topic: The Perkins Leader Peer Exchange: Best Practices and Effective Approaches from Consortia Leaders
Time: 10:00-11:00 AM
Presenters: Gail Polejewski, Career Development Coordinator, Minnesota West Community and Technical College
Required attendance: Perkins Leaders
Link to join:
Description: In response to consortia feedback, this session will be hosted and facilitated by a group of Perkins consortia leaders, offering an open forum to exchange questions, insights, and effective practices in CTE. We invite you to share your needs, ideas, and experiences as a Perkins consortium leader, and leverage the collective expertise of your peers for meaningful professional growth. Come prepared for an engaging discussion and valuable takeaways for all participants.
Learning Outcomes
- Discover potential partnerships for jointly tackling common goals, funding, or developing shared strategies through thoughtful discussions and peer exchange of ideas.
- Exchange knowledge and experiences by recognizing the distinct and shared challenges as well as successes experienced by CTE consortia leaders.
- Explore effective methods to continually enhance federal grant utilization for strengthening career and technical education.
CEUs are offered for school administrators issued by the Minnesota Board of School Administrators. All participants requesting CEUs for these webinars must meet all the requirements below:
- Pre-register for the session(s) using your work email address.
- Attend the live webinar session. Clock hours are not issued for watching recordings.
- Participate in the chat discussions.
- Remain in the webinar session until the webinar ends.
- Complete the post-webinar evaluation on meeting learning outcomes.
- Participate in at least three webinars or three hours total. You may request more than three clock hours if you attended more than three webinar sessions.
Send an email with your request for CEUs to and include the session(s) you attended for which you are requesting a CEU. I will verify your attendance and the time you logged on and off each webinar. These are time-stamped and recorded in Zoom.
Contact: Yingfah Thao, Director of Professional Development for CTE at
You may find previous monthly webinars in the section below.
September 14, 2023
Topic: Completing Your Perkins Annual Performance Report (APR)
Time: 10:00-11:00 AM
Presenters: Sue Selland-Miller, Michelle Kamenov
Required attendance: Perkins Leaders
This session will cover the purpose of the Annual Performance Report (APR) and the process for completing and submitting the document.
Learning Outcomes
- Explain the purpose of the Annual Performance Report.
- Locate the Annual Performance Report template on the Minnesota State CTE website.
- Identify the process for completing the Annual Performance Report.
Presentations and Handouts
- APR Questions 2023 (.doc)
- Presentation (.pdf)
- Webinar Recording (36 min.)
September 21, 2023
Topic: Postsecondary Accountability (Part I)
Time: 10:00-11:00 AM
Presenter: Carrie Schneider and Katie Vaccari
Who should attend: Postsecondary Perkins Leaders
This session will provide a review of Perkins V Postsecondary accountability definitions, structure, and reporting in Minnesota. We will also provide updates related to accountability and SDPLs (i.e., targets) and allow time for questions. An additional session will be offered on October 19 focusing more specifically on the Perkins V Postsecondary reports available in Power BI and will include an overview of the information provided in the reports and a demonstration of how to access and use the reports in Power BI.
Learning Outcomes
- Understand Perkins V Postsecondary data structure, accountability definitions and reporting timelines.
- Know where to find/review your consortium’s accountability data.
- Understand how State Determined Performance Levels (SDPLs) are established.
- Know how they are used to evaluate performance (i.e., Improvement Plan required).
- Understand what it means to be on Improvement Plan Status.
- Know where to find/review your consortium’s summary performance reports and determine if your consortium is on an Improvement Plan for an indicator.
Presentations and Handouts
Presentation (PDF)
Webinar Recording (47 min.)
October 12, 2023
Topic: Perkins Leaders Discussion on CLNA
Time: 10:00-11:00 AM
Presenter: Perkins Leaders Panel
Who should attend: All Perkins Leaders
UPDATE: This session was canceled.
October 19, 2023
Topic: Postsecondary Accountability Power BI Training (Part II)
Time: 10:00-11:00 AM
Presenters: Carrie Schneider
Who should attend: Postsecondary Perkins Leaders
This session will focus more specifically on the Perkins V Postsecondary reports available in Power BI and will include an overview of the information provided in the reports and a demonstration of how to access and use the reports in Power BI.
Presentation (PDF)
Webinar Recording (46 min.)
November 9, 2023
Topic: Programs of Study: Going Beyond the Spreadsheets
Time: 10:00-11:00 AM
Presenter: Robb Lowe and Shelli Sowles
Who should attend: All Perkins Leaders
Together, we will explore the importance of what effective communication with partners plays in a strong Program of Study (POS). While completing spreadsheets on POS as part of your local plan is important, we want to spend time talking about what happens beyond those spreadsheets that demonstrate how all of us are moving students from secondary to postsecondary success using programs of study. We will include best practices of timing while developing consortium POS and the alignment to the local workforce needs.
Learning Outcomes:
- Participants will be able to explain the Minnesota Program of Study Definition to non-CTE and non-Perkins people such as parents, counselors, advisors, and students.
- Participants can connect POS to the CLNA and understand that local POS needs should drive Perkins funding.
- Participants will recognize the difference between an active POS and a passive POS, and the necessity for communication.
Webinar Recording (56 min.)
Presentation (PDF)
December 6 - 15, 2023
Topic: Workforce Trends for Career and Technical Education
Time: various (see below)
Presenter: Erin Olson, RealTime Talent
Who should attend: All Perkins Leaders
The post-pandemic recovery has led to rapid change in demand by career field, workplace expectations, and availability of skilled talent. With a cooling of hiring conditions in recent months, this year’s analysis of regional opportunities for Career and Technical Education focuses on the most promising pathways for program growth by career field.
1. Wednesday, December 6 th, 2023, 9:00 am – Statewide Kickoff Event
Presentation (PDF)
Report (PDF)
Webinar Recording (1 hr 32 min)
2. Monday, December 11 th, 2023, 9:00 am - Northwest and Northeast MN: Regional Labor Market Report #1 and #2
Presentation (PDF)
Northwest Report (PDF)
Northeast Report (PDF)
Webinar Recording (1 hr 30 min)
3. Wednesday, December 13 th, 2:00 pm - Central and Twin Cities MN: Regional Labor Market Report #3 and #6
Presentation (PDF)
Central Report (PDF)
Twin Cities Report (PDF)
Webinar Recording (1 hr 31 min)
4. Friday, December 15 th, 9:00 am - Southeast and Southwest MN: Regional Labor Market Report #4 and #5
Presentation (PDF)
Southeast Report (PDF)
Southwest Report (PDF)
Webinar Recording (1 hr 30 min)
December 14, 2023
Topic: Minnesota's Four-Year State Plan for Career and Technical Education
Time: 10:00 - 11:00 AM
Presenter(s): Minnesota State and MDE Staff
Who should attend: Perkins Leaders
Join us for an overview of the revised Perkins Four-Year State Plan highlighting key areas that continue to support our CTE programs to remain relevant and impactful. We will outline a comprehensive timeline and process for gathering public feedback about the plan and its alignment with the WIOA State Plan process.
January 11, 2024
Topic: Completing Your Perkins Reallocation
Time: 10:00 - 11:00 AM
Presenter(s): Minnesota State and MDE Staff
Who should attend: Perkins Leaders
Presentation (.pdf)
Watch the recording
You will be prompted to enter your name and email in order to watch the recording.
January 18, 2024
Topic: Secondary CLNA Data: Student Performance
Time: 10:00-11:00 AM
Presenters: Kari-Ann Ediger
Who should attend: Secondary Perkins Leaders only, but postsecondary should attend if interested
Presentation (.pdf)
Watch the recording
You will be prompted to enter your name and email in order to view the recording.
The purpose of the CLNA is to support data-driven decision-making and more closely align planning, spending and accountability activities under Perkins V to provide focus at the local consortium level. This session will begin to cover Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment (CLNA) information, specifically for the 9-12th grade Student Performance data and offer a starting point to begin identifying and interpreting the data.
Learning Outcomes
- Be able to explain and demonstrate a clear understanding of the Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment (CLNA) requirement under Perkins V and the value it provides to secondary at the local consortium level.
- Locate the CLNA Summary document on the Minnesota State CTE website.
- Identify Student Performance data, additional data sources, and collaborators to engage with during plan development.
January 25, 2024
Topic: Special Populations: Building a Foundation to Understand the Requirements of the Perkins V Legislation in Minnesota (Part I)
Time: 10:00 - 11:00 AM
Presenter(s): Eva Scates-Winston
Who should attend: Perkins Leaders
Presentation (.pdf)
Primer Handout Document (.doc)
Watch the recording
You will be be prompted to enter your name and email in order to watch the recording.
This is a two-part series on special session focused on special populations. This is a primer for all Perkins Leaders to revisit and review this area of the Perkins Act to understand your role as Perkins Leaders in addressing this area.
The Perkins V reauthorization of 2018 has a broader emphasis on addressing equity for special populations. The requirements in the law detail local accountability of those requirements, but what does it look like to "ensure access or non-discrimination” or "provide supports for success", or “improve outcomes” specifically to special populations? Join this webinar to gain a common understanding and shared practices and examples.
Learning Outcomes
Participants will understand the Perkins V legislative provisions for supporting the participation of special populations in CTE programs.
Participants will be able to identify at least two shared examples of local and or national practices on accountability and participation of special populations.
Participants will be able to locate and identify resources shared on accountability and strategies for supporting special populations.
Part two of this series will be scheduled for April 11, 2024.
February 8, 2024
Topic: Part I: Completing Your Local Application
Focus: Overall Local Application process with an emphasis on the CLNA Results and Priorities, and Perkins V Local Application
Time: 10:00-11:00 AM
Presenters: Shelli Sowles, Robb Lowe, and Sue Selland-Miller
Who should attend: All Perkins Leaderss
This session will review the overall Local Application process. Then walk participants through the components of the CLNA Results and Priorities document (formerly known as the CLNA Framework) and the revised Perkins V Local Application in preparation for the May 1, 2024, submission deadline.
- Webinar Recording (57 min)
- Presentation (.pdf)
- CLNA Results & Priorities Process Question Response Example (.pdf)
- CLNA Results & Priorities Needs Response Examples (.pdf)
- Perkins V Local Application Narrative Table Response Examples (.pdf)
February 9, 2024 (Friday)
Topic: Part II: Completing Your Local Application
Focus: State-Recognized Programs of Study (S-R POS) – Funding POS and Combined Secondary and Postsecondary Budget
Time: 10:00-11:00 AM
Presenters: Karl Ohrn, Michelle Kamenov, Robb Lowe, and Dean Breuer
Who should attend: All Perkins Leaders
This session will review the S-R POS – Funding POS and Combined Secondary and Postsecondary Budget spreadsheets changes and the new Perkins Funded Positions spreadsheet. The process for completing each document will be reviewed as part of the application submittal due May 1, 2024.
Webinar Recording (58 min)
Presentation (pdf)
February 15, 2024
Topic: Secondary CLNA data: Size, Scope, Quality
Time: 10:00-11:00 AM
Presenters: Kari-Ann Ediger, Kelley McClure Mork, Brian Cashman, Jami Schwickerath, Leah Bott
Who should attend: Secondary Perkins Leaders
The Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment (CLNA) aims to support data-driven decision-making and more closely align planning, spending, and accountability activities under Perkins V to provide focus at the local consortium level.
Presentation (.pdf)
Webinar Recording (57 min.)
Learning Outcomes
- Size: Identify data sources and develop a strategy for compiling information. Learn some important tips when analyzing and considering whether gaps in student engagement are meaningful.
- Scope: Explore an example strategy for mapping out secondary program offerings, where holes and gaps in access and opportunities might exist as well as monitoring student impact within those pathways. Be able to articulate the value of aligning secondary and postsecondary programs.
- Quality: Discuss strategies for engaging with collaborative partners.
March 14, 2024 (Postponed and moved to April 11)
Topic: Submitting Your Local Application Using the New Process
Time: 10:00-11:00 AM
Presenters: Minnesota State and MDE Staff
Who should attend: All Perkins Leaders
April 11, 2024
This webinar was previously offered on March 14 and moved to April 11.
Topic: Submitting Your Local Application Using the New Process
Time: 10:00-11:00 AM
Presenters: Minnesota State and MDE Staff
Who should attend: All Perkins Leaders
Webinar Recording (57 min.)
FY25 Application Submittal Guide for Perkins Leaders (.pdf)
We'll walk you through the necessary steps to submit your local Perkins applications to the state. We are no longer using Amplifund to manage our grant application or process. Attend this session to learn how to submit your application and how Minnesota State and MDE will manage this process without a grant management system. We will walk you through our new in-house "system" for submitting your application.
NOTE: No CEUs are offered for this session. This session is informational only. No competencies or learning outcomes are expected.
April 18, 2024 Special Populations
NOTE: This webinar was previously offered on April 11 and moved to April 18.
Topic: Special Populations: Building a Foundation to Understand the Requirements of the Perkins V Legislation in Minnesota (Part II)
Time: 10:00 - 11:00 AM
Presenter(s): Eva Scates-Winston
Who should attend: Perkins Leaders
Part two of a series of special sessions focused on special populations. This is a primer for all Perkins Leaders to revisit and review this area of the Perkins Act to understand your role as Perkins Leaders in addressing this area.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this webinar, you will be able to:
- Identify potential strategies that support outreach and participation for English Learners, Learners with Disabilities, Learners in Nontraditional CTE programs, and Single Parents
- Identify additional resources for addressing special population learners
Webinar Recording (58 min)
Webinar Presentation (pdf)
Primer Handout (doc)
English Language Learners in CTE Handout (pdf)
Tips for Supporting English Learners in CTE Handout (pdf)
April 19, 2024 (Friday) Secondary
Topic: Secondary Proposed Local Perkins V Targets
Time: 10:00 - 11:00 AM
Presenter(s): Kari-Ann Ediger
Who should attend: Secondary Perkins Leaders
Webinar Recoding (49 min)
Presentation (pdf)
April 19, 2024 (Friday) PostSecondary
Topic: Postsecondary Proposed Local Perkins V Targets
Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Presenter: Russell Dahlke
Who should attend: Postsecondary Perkins Leaders
Webinar Recording (43 min)
Presentation (pdf)
NOTE: These sessions are not eligible for CEUs. These sessions are informational only. No competencies or learning outcomes are expected.
May 9, 2024 Creative Confluence
Topic: Creative Confluence: Co-Designing Professional Learning Experiences
Time: 10:00 - 11:00 AM
Presenter(s): Yingfah Thao and Shelli Sowles
Who should attend: Perkins Leaders
Join us for an immersive workshop to co-design the next wave of professional development learning experiences for Perkins Leaders. "Creative Confluence" is a collaborative session dedicated to harnessing the collective creativity from Perkins Leaders to develop innovative, human-centered professional learning. Our goal is to co-create and co-design with you using insights and data collected over the last year to design impactful learning. We will use a human-centered approach and principles rooted in co-creation, empathy, and iteration.
- Conduct a collaborative assessment of the monthly webinar series to gather feedback and insights from Perkins Coordinators.
- Co-design and ideate improvements for next year's webinar series using a human-centered design approach: Human-centered design focuses on the person and their wants, needs, and feelings.
- Develop next steps for implementing the co-designed improvements to the webinar series for the next fiscal year.
September 8, 2022
Topic: Annual Performance Reporting for Perkins Leaders
Time: 10:00 AM
Presenters: Karl Ohrn, Sue Selland-Miller, and Michelle Kamenov
Who should attend: All Perkins Leaders
This session will cover the questions in the Annual Performance Report (APR) and instructions on completing and submitting the APR. This session is designed to be conversational and will include time dedicated to answering questions about the report.
September 22, 2022 (Special Session)
Topic: Postsecondary Accountability (Part I)
Time: 9:00-10:00 AM
Presenters: Katie Vaccari and Carrie Schneider
Who should attend: Minnesota State College Perkins Leaders only
This session will provide a review of Perkins V Postsecondary accountability definitions, structure, and reporting in Minnesota. We will also provide updates related to accountability and SDPLs (i.e., targets) and allow time for questions. An additional session will be offered on October 20 focusing more specifically on the Perkins V Postsecondary reports available in Power BI and will include an overview of the information provided in the reports and a demonstration of how to access and use the reports in Power BI.
- Presentation
- Webinar Recording (56 min.)
October 13, 2022
Topic: Fundamentals for Perkins Consortium Leaders (Series #1)
Title: Setting the Stage for Perkins V
Time: 10:00-11:00 AM
Presenters: Karl Ohrn and Michelle Kamenov (and other state staff as needed)
Who should attend: All Perkins Leaders
This is a new three-part series designed for all Perkins consortium leaders. Each part is broken down into digestible sections designed to help you dive deeper into areas of Perkins in Minnesota. These sessions are designed to be informal, and interactive, and intended to provide you an opportunity to dig deeper into questions that often may be overlooked.
- Presentation
- Webinar Recording (1 hr 2 min.)
October 20, 2022 (Special Session)
Topic: Postsecondary Accountability Power BI Training (Part II)
Time: 9:00-10:00 AM
Presenters: Katie Vaccari and Carrie Schneider, Minnesota State
Who should attend: Minnesota State College Perkins Leaders only
This session will focus more specifically on the Perkins V Postsecondary reports available in Power BI and will include an overview of the information provided in the reports and a demonstration of how to access and use the reports in Power BI.
Webinar Recording (58 min.)
November 10, 2022
Topic: Fundamentals for Perkins Consortium Leaders: Series #2
Title: Distribution of Perkins Funds and Financial Requirements
Time: 10:00-11:00 AM
Presenters: Karl Ohrn and Michelle Kamenov (and other state staff as needed)
Who should attend: All Perkins Leaders
This is part two of the series. These sessions are designed to be informal, interactive, and intended to provide you an opportunity to dig deeper into questions that often may be overlooked.
Webinar Recording (1 hr.)
December 5, 2022 (Special Session)
Topic: Minnesota: A Statewide Look at Talent Demand and Opportunity Across 6 Regions (#1)
Time: 9:00-10:30 AM
Presenter: Erin Olson, Director of Strategic Research - RealTime Talent
Who should attend: CTE Consortium Leaders, WIOA partners, workforce advisors, college/university enrollment administrators
Perkins Career and Technical Education has sponsored a third annual regional report series by RealTime Talent to support local consortia and others in workforce development in navigating changes in their local labor market. The reports and the presentations will highlight social and demographic changes alongside occupational and industry opportunities, exploring what these shifts may mean for student career advancement and the needed Programs of Study by region.
Webinar Recording (1 hr 25 min.)
December 7, 2022 (Special Sessions)
Topic: Northeast and Northwest MN: Regional Workforce Trends and Careers of Tomorrow (#2)
Time: 9:00-10:30 AM
Presenter: Erin Olson, Director of Strategic Research - RealTime Talent
Who should attend: CTE Consortium Leaders, WIOA partners, workforce advisors, college/university enrollment administrators
Perkins Career and Technical Education has sponsored a third annual regional report series by RealTime Talent to support local consortia and others in workforce development in navigating changes in their local labor market. The reports and the presentations will highlight social and demographic changes alongside occupational and industry opportunities, exploring what these shifts may mean for student career advancement and the needed Programs of Study by region.
Webinar recording (1 hr 30 min.)
December 7, 2022 (Special Session)
Topic: Twin Cities and Central MN: Regional Workforce Trends and Careers of Tomorrow (#3)
Time: 2:00-3:30 PM
Presenter: Erin Olson, Director of Strategic Research - RealTime Talent
Who should attend: CTE Consortium Leaders, WIOA partners, workforce advisors, college/university enrollment administrators
Perkins Career and Technical Education has sponsored a third annual regional report series by RealTime Talent to support local consortia and others in workforce development in navigating changes in their local labor market. The reports and the presentations will highlight social and demographic changes alongside occupational and industry opportunities, exploring what these shifts may mean for student career advancement and the needed Programs of Study by region.
Webinar Recording (1 hr 28 min.)
December 8, 2022 (POSTPONED - new date TBD)
Topic: Fundamentals for Perkins Consortium Leaders: Series #3
Title: Accountability and Monitoring
Time: 10:00-11:00 AM
Presenters: Karl Ohrn and Michelle Kamenov (and other state staff as needed)
Who should attend: All Perkins Leaders
This is part three of the series. These sessions are designed to be informal, interactive, and intended to provide you an opportunity to dig deeper into questions that often may be overlooked.
December 14, 2022 (Special Session)
Topic: Southwest and Southeast MN: Regional Workforce Trends and Careers of Tomorrow (#4)
Time: 9:00-10:30 AM
Presenter: Erin Olson, Director of Strategic Research - RealTime Talent
Who should attend: CTE Consortium Leaders, WIOA partners, workforce advisors, college/university enrollment administrators
Perkins Career and Technical Education has sponsored a third annual regional report series by RealTime Talent to support local consortia and others in workforce development in navigating changes in their local labor market. The reports and the presentations will highlight social and demographic changes alongside occupational and industry opportunities, exploring what these shifts may mean for student career advancement and the needed Programs of Study by region.
Webinar Recording (1 hr. 29 min.)
January 12, 2023
Topic: Perkins Reallocation
Time: 10:00-11:00 AM
Presenters: Karl Ohrn and Michelle Kamenov (and other state staff as needed)
Who should attend: All Perkins Leaders
Webinar Recording (32 min.)
February 9, 2023
Topic: Improvement Plans
Time: 10:00-11:00 AM
Presenters: Karl Ohrn and Michelle Kamenov (and other state staff as needed)
Who should attend: All Perkins Leaders
Webinar Recording (28 min.)
February 23, 2023
Topic: Secondary Accountability
Time: 10:00-11:00 AM Presenters: Kari-Ann Ediger, Minnesota Department of Education Who should attend: Secondary Perkins Consortium Leaders, Secondary Perkins coordinators, and Secondary PrincipalsThis session provides a high-level overview of the data collection process for all secondary state-approved CTE programs as well as the Perkins V Secondary Accountability definitions and current accountability processes. Additionally, we will be discussing data reports that are available, where to find them and what you can learn from using them.
Webinar Recording (58 min.)
March 16, 2023
Topic: Completing Your Second-Year Perkins Application
Time: 10:00-11:00 AM
Presenters: Karl Ohrn, Yingfah Thao, Sue Selland-Miller, and Michelle Kamenov (other state staff as needed)
Who should attend: All Perkins Leaders
Webinar Recording ( 54 min.)
Notice: This new date replaces the April 13th date. Please change this on your calendars.
Topic: Secondary CTE Program Approval – The “Why” and the “How” – PART 1
Time: 10:00-11:00 AM
Presenters: Dean Breuer and Shelli Sowles, MDE
Who should attend: Teachers, Administrators, and Consortium Leaders
This session is open to anyone who wants to understand Secondary CTE Program Approval. Great River, Mid-MN, NE Metro, Oak Land, Pine Technical, and St. Paul Consortium Teachers, Administrators, and Leaders should attend or watch this recording as they are due for 5-year program approval in 2023. This session is a prerequisite for participation in “PART 2” training specific to each program career field area.
Webinar Recording (41 min.)
May 11, 2023 (Special Session)
Topic: (Part I) Creating Inclusive Environments in CTE Programs for Learners with Disabilities
Time change: 12:00 - 1:00 PM
Presenter: Rebecca Dosch, Institute for Community Integration, University of Minnesota with host, Eva Scates-Winston
Who should attend: Perkins Leaders, CTE Faculty and Teachers; Special Needs/Accessibility staff and Educators
Watch the recording (46 min.)
Presentation Handout
What does inclusion within career and technical education (CTE) look like? Where are you most challenged and what accomplishments are you most proud of? This first session in a three-part interactive series that will provide an overview of disability inclusion. Come share your feedback on issues, challenges, and successful practices to inform the content of a forthcoming webinar series.
The proposed webinar series is designed to address what it means to be inclusive for learners with disabilities in CTE across different areas. This includes recruitment, accommodations, accountability and broadening the capacity of CTE professionals to educate learners from diverse backgrounds.
June 1, 2023
Topic: (Part II) Practices for Inclusive Environments in CTE Programs: Voices from Learners with Disabilities
Time: 10:00-11:00 AM
Presenter: Rebecca Dosch, Institute for Community Integration, University of Minnesota with host, Eva Scates-Winston
Facilitator: Yingfah Thao, Minnesota State
Watch the recording (57 min.)
Presentation Handout
What does inclusion within career and technical education (CTE) look like? This the second session in a three-part interactive series that will provide strategies for disability inclusion and shared perspectives from students in CTE and postsecondary enrollment. This session is intended for secondary and postsecondary. Learn about strategies and share your own practices that support student success in an inclusive environment.
June 8, 2023
Topic: Lessons Learned about Student and Community Engagement
Time: 10:00-11:00 AM
Presenters: Perkins Leaders panel
Register now. You will immediately receive a confirmation with a link to join the webinar.
This past year, a team of Perkins consortia leaders and state CTE staff have been involved in equity training and capacity-building sessions for elevating the voice of students and the community in the CLNA process. The NAPE Equity Academy was designed to engage postsecondary state leaders in (1) adopting an equity lens, (2) building institutional capacity, (3) creating community, and (4) sharing lessons learned with national partners. Join the conversation and hear from our statewide team about this intensive work and the context for how you can elevate student voice in CTE.
Schedule for July 2021-June 2022 Monthly CTE Webinars
Thursdays from 9:00-10:00am, unless otherwise noted.
Schedule Subject to Change – Check Back for Changes
Date |
Category |
Title |
Presenters |
Aug. 12th, 2021 | Performance Levels, Data and Accountability |
Power BI Training for Perkins V Reports - Postsecondary Refresher Webinar Recording (59 min.) |
Katie Vaccari, Minnesota State Academic and Student Affairs Research; Karl Ohrn, Minnesota State CTE |
Aug. 19th, 2021 1:00 pm-3:00 pm |
Career Pathways/ Programs of Study |
Non-Traditional Career Pathway Training |
National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity (NAPE) |
Aug. 26th, 2021 | Perkins V Administration |
Annual Performance Report (APR) APR Sample Responses (283 KB .pdf) |
Jeralyn Jargo, Minnesota State CTE; Michelle Kamenov, MDE CTE; Yingfah Thao, Minnesota State |
Sept. 2nd, 2021 |
Performance Levels, |
Secondary Data Reports & Accountability Presentation (575 KB .pdf) Webinar Recording (1 hr. 3 min.) |
Kari-Ann Ediger, MDE CTE |
Sept. 9th, 2021 | Perkins V Administration |
Perkins V 2.0 Presentation (678 KB .pdf) Webinar Recording (1 hr 6 min.) |
Jeralyn Jargo, Minnesota State CTE; Michelle Kamenov, MDE CTE |
Sept. 16th, 2021 | Performance Levels, Data and Accountability |
Powerfully Iimpacting Each CTE Student
Dr. Rose Chu |
Sept. 16th, 2021 10:00 am- 11:00 am |
Perkins V Administration |
Open Session for Perkins Consortium Leaders |
Karl Ohrn, Minnesota State CTE; Michelle Kamenov, MDE CTE |
Friday, Sept. 17th, 2021 9:00 am- 11:00 am | Career Pathways/ Programs of Study |
Work-based Learning Capacity Building Cohort Exemplary work-based learning programs, Work-based learning needs assessment Register at MDE Work-based Learning webpage. |
Erin Larsen, MDE CTE |
Sept. 23rd, 2021 | Performance Levels, Data and Accountability |
Postsecondary Data Reports & Accountability Presentation (731 KB .pdf) Webinar Recording (59 min.) |
Katie Vaccari, Carrie Schneider, Stacy Karl, Minnesota State Academic and Student Affairs Research |
Sept. 30th, 2021 (CANCELLED- session reschedule tbd) | Perkins V Administration |
Perkins Fiscal Processes Register |
Karl Ohrn, Rosa Melin, Minnesota State CTE |
Wed., Oct. 6th, 2021 8:30 am- 3:00 pm | Career Pathways/ Programs of Study |
Work-based Learning Summit |
Register for the virtual summit here. |
Oct. 7th, 2021 | Perkins V Administration |
Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment (CLNA) Prep: Round 2 Presentation (289 KB .pdf) Webinar Recording (39 min) |
Karl Ohrn, Minnesota State CTE; Michelle Kamenov, MDE CTE |
Oct. 7th, 2021 10:15 am – 11:00 am |
Performance Levels, Data and Accountability |
Keeping an Equity-minded Approach to Data Review and Analysis What does an “equity-minded approach” to data mean? Where do I begin with next steps now that I have my data? Who else should be a part of the discussions? This session is in response to questions and challenges from CTE leaders. Presentation (720 KB .pdf) Webinar Recording (44 min) |
Eva Scates-Winston, Robb Lowe, Minnesota State CTE |
Monday, Oct. 11th, 2021 8:00 am- 9:30 am | Career Pathways/ Programs of Study |
Central MN Workforce Trends & Economic Impacts Regional Labor Market Reports for Pathway Partners Presentation (2.4 MB .pdf) Webinar Recording (1 hr 27 min) Regional Report (6.3 MB .pdf) |
Erin Olson, RealTime Talent |
Monday, Oct. 11th, 2021 1:00 pm-2:30 pm | Career Pathways/ Programs of Study |
Northwest MN Workforce Trends & Economic Impacts Regional Labor Market Reports for Pathway Partners Presentation (2.1 MB .pdf) Webinar Recording (1 hr 10 min) Regional Report (6.3 MB .pdf) |
Erin Olson, RealTime Talent |
Tuesday, Oct. 12th, 2021 1:00pm-2:30pm (Rescheduled from 10/15/2021) | Career Pathways/ Programs of Study |
Northeast MN Workforce Trends & Economic Impacts Regional Labor Market Reports for Pathway Partners Presentation (2.2 MB .pdf) Webinar Recording (1 hr 6 min) Regional Report (6.3 MB .pdf) |
Erin Olson, RealTime Talent |
Thursday, Oct. 14th, 2021 8:00 am- 9:30 am | Career Pathways/ Programs of Study |
Southwest MN Workforce Trends & Economic Impacts Regional Labor Market Reports for Pathway Partners Presentation (2.5 MB .pdf) Regional Report (6.2 MB .pdf) |
Erin Olson, RealTime Talent |
Thursday, Oct. 14th, 2021 1:00 pm-2:30 pm | Career Pathways/ Programs of Study |
Southeast MN Workforce Trends & Economic Impacts Regional Labor Market Reports for Pathway Partners Presentation (2.1 MB .pdf) Webinar Recording (1 hr 5 min) Regional Report (6 MB .pdf) |
Erin Olson, RealTime Talent |
Monday, Oct. 18th, 2021 8:00 am- 9:30 am | Career Pathways/ Programs of Study |
Metro Workforce Trends & Economic Impacts Regional Labor Market Reports for Pathway Partners Presentation (1.7 MB .pdf) Webinar Recording (1 hr 34 min) Regional Report (6.5 MB .pdf) |
Erin Olson, RealTime Talent |
Oct. 21st, 2021 9:00 am - 10:00 am | All Categories |
CTE Works! Summit - Prep for Tech Hosts, Facilitators & Presenters |
Yingfah Thao, Minnesota State and Summit Planning Team |
Oct. 28th, 2021 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm | All Categories |
CTE Works! Summit - Prep for Tech Hosts, Facilitators & Presenters |
Yingfah Thao, Minnesota State and Summit Planning Team |
CANCELLED- Oct. 28th, 2021 9:00 am - 10:30 am | Performance Levels, Data and Accountability |
Powerfully Impacting Each CTE Student: Session #1 |
Dr. Rose Chu; Eva Scates-Winston, Minnesota State CTE |
Monday, Nov. 1st, 2021 | Perkins V Administration |
Annual Perkins Consortium Leaders Meeting CLNA and Resource Presentation (3.7 MB .pdf) Programs of Study Presentation (586 KB .pdf) POS Submission Document (220 KB .pdf) Performance Indicators Presentation (477 KB .pdf) Use of Funds Presentation (595 KB .pdf) Special Populations Presentation (445 KB .pdf)
Karl Ohrn, Minnesota State CTE; Michelle Kamenov, MDE CTE |
Tuesday, Nov. 2nd – Wed. Nov. 3rd, 2021 | All Categories |
CTE Works! Summit (virtual) The annual CTE Works! Summit is an energizing professional development event featuring national leaders and local innovators sharing their data-informed research and practices in Career and Technical Education, career readiness, and learner supports that help every youth and adult meet academic and workforce needs. |
Keynote: Dr. Kevin Fleming; multiple concurrent sessions |
Friday, Nov. 5th, 2021 9:00 am – 11:00 am | Career Pathways/ Programs of Study |
Work-based Learning Capacity Building Cohort: Resources & Troubleshooting |
Erin Larsen, MDE CTE |
December 9th, 2021 9:00 am - 10:30 am | Performance Levels, Data and Accountability |
Powerfully Impacting Each CTE Student: Session #2 Presentation (314 KB .pdf) Webinar Recording (1 hr 3 min) |
Dr. Rose Chu; Eva Scates-Winston, Minnesota State CTE |
January 12th, 2022 9:00 am – 11:00 am | Career Pathways/ Programs of Study |
Work-based Learning Capacity Building Cohort: Action Planning & More resources Register at MDE Work-based Learning webpage. |
Erin JanuaryLarsen, MDE CTE |
January 20th, 2022 9:00 am - 10:00 am | All Categories |
Open Session for Consortia Leaders |
Karl Ohrn, Minnesota State CTE; Michelle Kamenov, MDE CTE |
February 10th, 2022 9:00 am- 10:00 am | Performance Levels, Data and Accountability |
Improvement Plan Process Presentation (1.4 MB .pdf) Webinar Recording (59 min.) |
Minnesota State CTE, MDE CTE |
February 23, 2022 11:00 am- 12:00 pm |
Performance Levels, Data and Accountability |
Tracking Your Consortium’s Priorities: From CLNA to Local Application to Budget Presentation (1.4 MB .pdf) |
Erin Larsen, Shelli Sowles, MDE CTE |
RESCHEDULED March 3, 2022 9:00 am- 10:30 am |
Career Pathways/ Programs of Study |
Programs of Study: Alignment and Application Preparation Presentation (563 KB .pdf) Webinar Recording (1 hr. 34 min.) CLNA Guide (1.3 MB .pdf) POS Guide (1 MB .pdf) CLNA Prioritization Rubric (775 KB .pdf) |
Robb Lowe, Minnesota State CTE; Dean Breuer, Shelli Sowles, MDE CTE |
March 9th, 2022 9:00 am - 11:00 am |
Career Pathways/ Programs of Study |
Work-based Learning Capacity Building Cohort: CTE Program Approval Register at MDE Work-based Learning webpage. |
Erin Larsen, MDE CTE |
March 10, 2022 |
Performance Levels, Data and Accountability |
Revisions to State-Determined Performance Levels Presentation (221 KB .pdf) Webinar Recording (40 min.) |
Katie Vaccari, Stacy Karl Minnesota State |
March 24th, 2022 9:00 am - 10:00 am | Performance Levels, Data and Accountability |
Completing the FY23 Perkins Application Presentation (909 KB .pdf) Webinar Recording (1 hr.) |
Minnesota State CTE, MDE CTE |
May 11th, 2022 9:00 am – 11:00 am | Career Pathways/ Programs of Study |
Work-based Learning Capacity Building Cohort: Finalize plans, share resources & celebrate! Register at MDE Work-based Learning webpage. |
Erin Larsen, MDE CTE |
For more information
Contact Yingfah Thao, Director of Professional Development, Career and Technical Education, at