Programs of Study Search
Related CTE Resources
The purpose of this site is to share information on Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs of study as required by the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act, also referred to as Perkins V. It is designed to help administrators, CTE leaders, school counselors, students, and parents trace career pathways from secondary to college to business and industry. The information can be filtered by pathway, college, high school, or Perkins consortia.
This information is designed to be a resource that can stimulate interest or awareness in CTE opportunities rather than an in-depth career exploration tool. Within the programs of study, there are more colleges and college programs than are listed here. For a more detailed exploration of CTE career pathways, see the CTE Resources on this page.
Please note:
- If you cannot find a high school listed, the school might not have a State-Recognized Program of Study being offered at this time.
- Work-based Learning programs may be approved to offer opportunities in a specific career field or provide work experiences in a variety of career fields. So, a listing of Work-Based Learning may not mean it is available for all career field programs at a school district. Check with your high school to find out what approved Work-Based Learning programs are available.
- Dual enrollment opportunities may be approved for a variety of classes. Check with your high school counselor/advisor to find out which approved dual enrollment programs are available.
- The information on this page is updated on an annual basis, typically in the fall.
If you are a high school student or parent, contact your high school academic counselor to help you understand how these Programs of Study can lead to college and career options in career and technical education fields.