Campus Climate

The Office of Equity and Inclusion’s goal for Campus Climate Assessment is to support the work of colleges and universities to ensure welcoming and inclusive environments.

Campus climate refers to the current attitudes, behaviors, standards, and practices of employees and students of an institution (Rankin & Reason, 2008), as well as the perceptions of campus community members related to environments being safe, feeling welcomed, and being included. It encompasses social interactions and norms, as well as the physical spaces and buildings that make up the campus environment.

Campus Climate Assessment

The Minnesota State Office of Equity and Inclusion developed a campus climate assessment process and framework that its colleges and universities can use to measure and address issues impacting campus climate.

Data and metrics will be collected and shared to measure progress across the colleges and universities on campus climate efforts.

Learn more in the OEI Strategic Plan

In September 2023, the Bureau of Justice Statistics awarded a vendor to create a standardized Campus Climate Survey, which is required per the Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization Act (2022).

The survey will be available through a secure and accessible online portal for all postsecondary institutions to use to collect data and information regarding students’ experiences of interpersonal violence, including domestic violence, dating violence, sexual harassment, stalking, and sexual assault.

The vendor has up to 3 years to have the Campus Climate Survey tool ready for implementation (estimated 2026). 

Currently, each Minnesota State college and university publishes annual security reports (Clery Act reporting), which include annual reporting statistics for the interpersonal violence.


Priyank Shah
Associate Vice Chancellor for Equity and Inclusion

Tarnjeet Kang
Director of Equity Assessment

Minnesota State faculty and staff can find more information onthe Campus Climate page of OEI Connect, sign in using