
The Procurement division supports Minnesota State colleges and universities by providing oversight and leadership of procurement practices of products and services in a socially, environmentally, equitable, and sustainable manner. We are responsible to provide efficiencies, compliance, accountability, diversity, sustainability, quality of purchasing, policies and procedures which meet the strategic goal of being the highest value and most affordable higher education option.

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All purchases of goods and services must be made in accordance with Minnesota State policies and procedures​.  Adhering to these ensure that procurement activities will be done in an open and competitive, ethical and equitable, and fiscal and compliance responsible manner which ensures that all prices paid by colleges and universities will be fair and reasonable. 

All colleges and universities are encouraged to adopt Marketplace as their primary method of purchasing. Transactions that exceed $50,000 require a competitive bid process. This process properly surveys the market and evaluates a number of factors. Exceptions to this process are purchases through existing master contracts and strategic cooperative agreements.

NOTE: Some of these links lead to a secure site
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Password = your starid password

Minnesota State is the fourth-largest system of higher education in the United States, serving nearly 270,000+ students and employing more than 14,200 faculty and staff each year. We continually seek vendors to fulfill purchasing and contracting needs for our 33 colleges and universities on 54 campuses across the state, as well as the system office. 

Our values extend beyond just finding a particular good or service for the best price. Rather, it's our intention to foster relationships with vendors who embrace price, quality, compliance, service, and speed and we encourage local, women, minority, veteran, and economically disadvantaged businesses to inquire. We appreciate your interest in doing business with Minnesota State!


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Following the 2017 Minnesota Joint Disparity Study, Minnesota State created a Supplier Diversity program to ensure equal opportunity to contracting and procurement opportunities system-wide. Women-owned (WBE) and Minority-owned (MBE) businesses are encouraged to respond to opportunities found inside the “Supplier Resources” tab above. Minnesota State is committed to creating and maintaining a supply chain that resembles the diversity of the students and communities it serves.

Minnesota State only recognizes W/MBE certification from the following certifying agencies:
