Vendors and Suppliers at Minnesota State

Minnesota State is the fourth largest system of higher education in the United States, serving 270,000 students and employing 14,200 faculty and staff each year. We continually seek suppliers to fulfill purchasing and contracting needs for our 33 colleges and universities on 54 campuses across the state, as well as the system office, including Requests for Proposals (RFPs), Requests for Bids (RFBs), Requests for Information (RFIs), and Requests for Qualifications (RFQs).

Our values extend beyond just finding a particular good or service for the best price. Rather, it is our intention to foster relationships with vendors who embrace price, quality, compliance, service, and speed and we encourage local, women, minority, veteran, and economically disadvantaged businesses to inquire. We appreciate your interest in doing business with Minnesota State!

New Suppliers

Current Suppliers

  • Review the current opportunities below. Interested suppliers should submit their sealed responses, along with signed forms and accompanying materials by the listed deadlines to the appropriate individuals. 
  • Minnesota State is committed to enhancing and optimizing business and contracting opportunities for historically under-utilized businesses. See requirements for Supplier Diversity.


Minnesota State must bid any good or service that is $50,000 or more. Competitive bidding allows Minnesota State to properly survey the marketplace and ensures compliance with federal, state, and Minnesota State regulations. Once you have received a request for bid or proposal, carefully review the requirements. Late bids will not be considered.

Vendors are not permitted to solicit business on Minnesota State premises unless requested. Cold calls or dropping in are not permitted. We will contact vendors based on the need for current projects. Registering and/or submitting a proposal does not guarantee selection.

Check out RFP, RFB, RFI, RFQ opportunities below:


There are several methods used to select contractors for Minnesota State projects based on construction amount, complexity, project specific requirements, and delivery method.

Design/Bid/Build - Informal Request  - (under $100,000)

Often used for construction services less than $100,000 that may or may not require the signature of the design professional for a building permit. Quotes are obtained by a signed written proposal or by phone (with signed written confirmation) taking into consideration of TG/ED/VO preferences and selection is based on lowest cost.

Request for Bids (RFBs)

All Construction Bid Opportunities over $100,000 can be viewed at: Minnesota State QuestCDN Private Interface.  Selection is based on lowest responsible bidder's cost taking into consideration TG/ED/VO (Targeted Group/Economically Disadvantaged/Veteran Owned) preference.

This includes RFP/RFQs for Online selection of Designers and Construction Managers for Construction Projects.

Construction documents may be viewed without charge. Bid documents can be downloaded for a non-refundable download delivery fee of $15.00 per project. Bidders pay $30.00 for On-line Submittals.

RFP/RFQs can be downloaded at no cost. The fee for RFP/RFQ submittals is $15 per project.

Construction Manager@risk (CM@r)

Typical delivery method used on large or complex projects, where Construction Manager provides both pre-construction and construction services. Selection is by two-step process required by Minnesota Statutes 16C.34:

  • Public RFQ results in selection of 3-5 shortlist firms
  • RFP is issued to shortlist firms

Selection of Construction Manager is based on combination of qualifications and fee that includes consideration of TG/ED/VO preferences. 

Request for Qualifications (RFQ)

Request for Qualifications for a Construction Manager at Risk:
Normandale Community College
Kopp Center Renovation

 Full RFQ with attachments can be found here: link to Quest CDN    QuestCDN #9594935

 There will be a mandatory information meeting for interested firms on Tuesday, March 25th at 2:00 p.m. in Room P0838 at Normandale.  Please park in the parking ramp or lots #3 or #4 (located on the Northwest side of campus).  Parking is free and no permit is required. All potential or interested Responders must attend the meeting.  Respondents who do not attend this meeting will not be considered.

Remaining details can be found in RFQ on Quest CDN.


Public Art Design and Commission
Northland Community and Technical College, East Grand Forks campus
Effective Teaching and Learning Labs Renovation
A NON-mandatory informational meeting and site tour will be held on the NCTC/EGF campus Thursday, February 27, 2025 at 1:00pm local time.
Meet at the front reception desk.
Qualifications with required attachments are due not later than 1:00pm, Friday, March 14, 2025 to the two persons identified in the RFQ.

Attachment #1

Request for Qualifications for Construction Manager at risk
Saint Paul College (SPC) Academic Excellence Renovation
Full RFQ with attachments and current preliminary design can be downloaded at no cost at:
Minnesota State QuestCDN Private Interface         QuestCDN #9571800
Qualifications responses are due no later than 1:00 pm Central Time, Thursday, April 1, 2025, submitted online only via QuestCDN.
A mandatory RFQ informational meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 13, 2025, from 1:00-3:00 PM at Saint Paul College
Meet in the lower level Room #L220
All firms interested in this meeting should contact Matt Williams to confirm attendance. 
All potential or interested Responders must attend the meeting. 
Respondents who do not attend this meeting will not be considered.
Questions regarding this RFQ must be received by Thursday, March 20, 2025 not later than 1:00 pm Central Time.
Addenda will be posted on QuestCDN for planholders.
Shortlisting respondents from the RFQ to proceed to the RFP and interview process is planned for April 11, 2025.
Shortlisted Responders must attend a mandatory information and site tour scheduled for Thursday, April 17, 2025, from 1:00-3:00 PM at Saint Paul College.
Meet in the lower level Room #L220.
Additional information will be provided in the RFP. 
There will be no additional private tours, meetings, or communications out of the provisions of the RFQ or RFP.
In-person interviews would be scheduled Thursday, April 8, 202, time and location to be provided to shortlisted respondents.



Professional/Technical consultants are selected for projects based on fee amount, complexity, project specific requirements and delivery method. 

Facilities Professional Technical Roster

Scroll down to “Part 4: Consultant and Construction Selection and Contracts”.  P/T Roster is a convenient list for a campus to solicit for services for  projects

  • Public RFQ is issued semi-annually, with postings in the State Register and on Minnesota State - Vendor & Supplier Opportunities website
  • Interested firms may submit qualifications to be considered to be included on the pre-vetted Facilities Professional Technical Roster list for 34 professional services categories
  • Firms meeting minimum criteria for each professional service category will be listed on the Roster for campus solicitation
  • Campuses or the system office will issue a RFP to selected firms from the P/T Roster list taking into consideration of project criteria and TG/ED/VO preference
  • Selection is based on combination of qualifications and fee

Informal Requests  - Fee’s less than ($100,000)
Invited RFP issued to a minimum of two consultants.  Selection based on a combination of qualifications and criteria that includes consideration of TG/ED/VO preferences.

Other Public Solicitations—Fee’s over ($100,000)
Solicitation is posted below.  Solicitation may also be in State Register and/or college/university websites.  Quest CDN may be used to facilitate proposal process.  Selection based on a combination of qualifications and fee that includes consideration of TG/ED/VO preferences.

State Designer Selection Board Public Solicitation .   Required to be used for selection of an Architect/Engineer on General Obligation funded capital projects with construction over $4 million or planning fees over $400,000.  Public solicitation is posted in the State Register, which provides link to RFP materials.

Request for Proposals (RFP) 


RFP for Architectural & Engineering Predesign Services
Bookstore Initiative and Ceramics Relocation
Minneapolis Community and Technical College
Project documents can be downloaded at no cost at:
Minnesota State QuestCDN Private Interface 
Proposals are due: 2:00 PM CT Wednesday, March 12, 2025.
A Mandatory informational meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 4, 2025, at 10:00 AM, at Technology Building, Floor 1, Room T1500, Minneapolis Community and Technical College, 1501 Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis, MN.  Park in the ramp off Hennepin Avenue and enter Technology Building from skyway that crosses over Hennepin Ave.


MEP Commissioning Services (CxA) RFP
Central Lakes College/Staples Main and West Campuses HVAC Replacement Project
Minnesota State QuestCDN Private InterfaceQuestCDN #9583189
A NON-MANDATORY, virtual, informational meeting will be held on Zoom on Wednesday, March 19 at 11:00 a.m. 
The link is provided within the RFP on QuestCDN.

Proposals are due at 11:00 am on Thursday, April 3, 2025 on QuestCDN.

None at this time.

Procurement Methods

Several methods are used to select professional technical consultants based on project size, complexity, and specific requirements.
  • Direct Professional Contracts are generated from selected consultants if costs are less than $50,000.
  • Professional Technical Master Minnesota State IT Contract(s), currently only forensic services, may be used to provide services for a school using a work order template.
  • Facility Professional Technical Contracts
State of Minnesota Buy.IT Programs

  • MNSITE Master Contract Program: The State of Minnesota Department of Administration and the Office of MN.IT Services operate a program for state agencies and other local units of government to contract for professional IT-related consulting and staff augmentation services in a streamlined process.

Sourcing Platform

Minnesota State has developed a sourcing platform to simplify and modernize the way we work with suppliers. This platform offers full digital transformation, transparency, supplier engagement and an easily accessible online approach. Watch this 20-minute vendor training video to learn how to register and bid on opportunities.  If you have any troubles or feedback for the team, please let the procurement team know.