Average tuition and fees set to increase by $288 for 2006-2007

Posted: January 19, 2006

Contact: Doug Anderson, doug.anderson@MinnState.edu, 651-201-1426

On the average, students will pay $288 more a year in tuition and fees to attend Minnesota State Colleges and Universities this fall under a budget approved Thursday by the Board of Trustees.

The increases bring the average tuition and fees to $5,656 for a full-time state university student and $4,282 for a full-time two-year state college student. Overall, tuition and fees for the system's 32 colleges and universities will rise an average of 6.8 percent.

"This is a modest increase, given some recent years of double-digit increases," said Board Chair Robert Hoffman. "Trustees continue to be concerned that tuition increases contribute to student debt loads, but we also know that a two- or four-year college degree leads to higher earnings and more career possibilities."

Chancellor James H. McCormick said, "We are confident that our colleges and universities still offer the best value for higher education in the state. Yet, we will continue to search for and adopt new ways to reduce costs and to raise the already high quality of our programs."

The tuition and fee rate increases range from $147 a year to $463 a year, depending on the institution. Each of the 32 state colleges and universities proposes its own tuition and fees for approval by the Board of Trustees.

Note: A list of annual tuition and fees for 2006-2007 is attached.